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Adrian Liauw

Digital Marketing Specialist

Marketing Automation


For this assignment, the chosen company was Fisker, an American electric vehicle automaker. I had to divide the audiences based on vehicle price ranges, integrate information from different sources, and arrange workflows for this assignment. The main plan was to nurture leads based on a customer journey.


After I audited the website and plotted the data exchange, I was able to list the behaviors that could be tracked. I then organized the workflow based on how the users would search for Fisker vehicles.


  • APIs can be utilized to plot the data exchange between digital marketing channels and a CRM.
  • Touchpoints, triggers, and durations between triggered events are minimum requirements of automation workflow.
  • Lead segmentation can be constructed using lead score threshold, predetermined user behaviors plus attributes.


  • CRM
  • Workflow
  • Fisker’s Website
  • Google Search