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Adrian Liauw

Digital Marketing Specialist

On & Off-Page SEO

Hedge House Furniture

Role: I audited a website and made recommendations for SEO updates.


  • Google Search
  • Google Keyword Search


  • Website updates improve how a page ranks on Search Engine Results Page (SERP) in relations to other sites.
  • Logical links, between at least 2 different but related topics, will help the crawler to differentiate the relationships of different pages.
  • technical elements need to be optimized to improve SERP.
  • Backlinks can improve site’s SERP ranking.

Problem being solved:

After I did keyword research, I had a good understanding of the audience’s search intent. The website should be updated based on it to increase its rank on the search engine. By using, I could analyze the keyword gaps between Hedgehouse Furniture and its competitors. From that point, I could recommend competitive keywords that can be used to update the blog posts/pages plus increase visits. I re-arranged the metadata based on the product category to enhance the navigational structure.