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Adrian Liauw

Digital Marketing Specialist

Social Media Advertising & Analytics


Based on at least two social media networks, I had to create social-first ads that fit each platform and aligned with the company’s larger marketing plan. For this assignment, the company that I chose was Zillow.


The first challenge was to find the appropriate demography on each platform for the marketing campaign. Another challenge was to find 5-10 top cities for the real estate market. I found an article that shows 8 top metro areas for real estate by using Google Search. Initially, I thought the demographic characters on Twitter and Facebook were relatively very different. But they were the same in many cases, except the ads should be more targeted toward female home buyers on Facebook. 


  • Each social media platform has its own unique purpose.
  • When the company uses any social media networks and pays for advertisement, it must ask how each platform can enhance company’s objectives and marketing plans.
  • Knowing the audience means the company must communicate how the brand should be perceived.
  • Create engagement with ads, not just views and clicks.
  • articles/videos can be posted as free organic promotions and engagements.


  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Google search